Scan and Decode Malicious Links Before Clicking

Short URL services which are spreading these days actually started becoming a free tool for these spammers to hide the potential harmful link by converting into a short URL. However there are various methods which can used to check before whetherthese links are potentially safe to click, lets discuss them one by one.

Scan Suspicious Links With AVG Link Scanner

AVG Link Scanner is free utility from same company which distribute popular free antivirus AVG Antivirus FREE Edition. This program lets you scan any link and will tell you whether that link is safe to be clicked.

How To Know A Website Is Safe To Browse or Safe To Open On My Computer

These days with the there are large number of website emerging out which may harm your computer just if you open them in your browser. These websites may contain following type of infections

* viruses
* drive by downloads
* malicious pop up downloads
* worms
* Suspicious Applications
* Suspicious Browser Changes
* Security Risks
* Adware
* Trojans
* Phishing attacks
* Spyware
* Backdoors
* Remote Access softwares
* Information stealers
* Dialers
* Downloader’s

Let’s see how can you know about whether a website is safe to open on your computer


Norton Safe Web is one such free web service which lets you check whether a web site is safe to open and browse in the browser of your computer.

This is a FREE web service by Norton which allows you check the status any website on internet, they will also rate the website on the basis of the community reviews by other people.

Checking the status of any website is quite simple as you just need to enter the URL of the website you want to test in the following format.

For Example

How to backup your important data when your pen drive is infected with a virus

a. Insert your pen drive into the usb port, if it detects your drive you will see it

in my computer.

b. Now don’t double click on your drive, rather open the pen drive contents by typing

the drive letter.

For Example: type g: and press enter if your pen drive is shown as new g drive under

my computer.

c. Copy your important files from your pen drive close the window and format your pen

drive after then.

How to protect your computer from virus in pen drives

Most of the active viruses infect your windows system as soon as you double click on

the Pen Drive icon in your my computer. As virus always creates a autorun.inf file

which is a system ,hidden and a read only file on your pen drive. It point to the

main virus file which is also located on the pen drive. When user double clicks on

the pen drive files pointed by the autorun.inf got executed which copies the virus

files on your system.

The image below shows the Autorun file entries in some special characters when you

right click on the drive.

Let’s see how can you protect yourself by following certain practices.


Let’s discuss these practices one by one:

1. Disable Autorun on Your Pen Drive:

* Open to Start >> Run and type “gpedit.msc” (without quotes) and press enter.

This will open Group policy editor.

* Browse to Administrative templates >> System >> double click on Turn off

Autoplay click on Enabled and Under Settings >> Select All Drives in the drop down

and click OK (as shown in the image below)

2. Scan Your Pen Drive:

Whenever you insert your pen drive / portable drive into USB port on your system make sure to run a virus scan with your anti virus before opening your pen drive contents in windows explorer.

3. Use FreeCommander:

FreeCommander is again a file explorer like windows explorer, so you just need to

download it by clicking here and install it.

After installing open your pen drive through FreeCommander (as shown in the image


Check if there are some additional files like autorun.inf , Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe ,Ravmon.exe ,New Folder.exe etc or any other file which you have not copied or created, delete all these suspicious files on your pen drive.

4. Use your virus infected pen drive: You can also use your virus infected pen

drives to copy your important data in worst circumstances.

SmS Sites For Sending Free SmS's, MOBILE CHAT SiTES


LG Mobile Secret Codes

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software version


Recount cheksum


China Mobile Secret Code

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Engineer mode


Restore factory settings




Windows 7 Price In India

Windows 7 launched in India

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Trick To View Files With Extension.

Just Go To Tools

=> Folder Option

=> Select View

=> And Uncheck Hide Extension Of File

Name Option

Trick To Type In Bold-Italics In Gtalk

To Type Letters In Bold In Gtalk

letters in gtalk chat box

just type

_*your matter*_

and press enter

your typed latter is now bold


windows vista home basic home basic

opreating syestem

master key is

Name: cd key

S/N: 8rs83438dg8a83vcshsj

insert it & enjoy.

Lock Ur CD ROM-

Lock Ur CD ROM-

Go to




Change d value frm 1 to 0.


To unlock change it to 1.

Simple Solution For Internet Error Messges

Facing error? in any web page ,like:

'Oops this link seems to b broken'.

Here is solution,

>delete cookies

>clear the cache

of ur browser.

Work Without Keyboard On Your Pc ?

Ur Keyboard Not Works Properly?

But U Have To Do Some Important Work!

Dont Worry..

Just Go2 Run & Type OSK.

By Dis U Can Type Using Ur Mouse.

AirTel Free INTERNET on PC:

Make A New Connection In Your Mobile (In Connections)









*62* 9117010#


*62* 91565#







Secretly Hide Any File Inside JPG Image File

Here’s the full trick:

Step 1: You will need two files – the file you want to hide and one jpg image – it

can be of any size or dimensions. [If you want to hide multiple files in one jpeg

image, just zip them into one file]

Step 2: Copy the above two files to the C: folder and open the command prompt


Step 3: Move to the c: root by typing cd \ [if the files are in another folder,

you'll have to change the prompt to that folder]

Step 4: The most important step – type the following command:

copy /b myimage.jpg + filetohide.pdf my_new_image.jpg

To recover the original PDF file, just rename my_new_image.jpg to filename.pdf.

Here we illustrated with an pdf file as that works with simple renaming. If you

want to apply this technique to other file formats like XLS, DOC, PPT, AVI, WMV,

WAV, SWF, etc, you may have to first compress them in RAR format before executing

the copy /b DOS command.

To restore the original file, rename the .jpg file to .rar and extract it using

7-zip or Winrar.

Tip For Your Own Logo In My Computer’s Properties Menu

1. Create a new Text Document (notepad)
2. Type this:




[Support Information]

Line1=Tweak by TURTELL


Line3=up to any lines

3. Save this Text Document as OEMINFO.INI

4. Copy the OEMINFO.INI to “c:\windows\system”

5. Now create your own LOGO

(Note this image cannot be larger than 180 pixels wide and 114 pixels high must be

a bitmap image)

6. Save this as OEMLOGO.BMP

7. Copy the OEMLOGO.BMP to “c:\windows\system”

You can change the “DELL” and “XPS200s” as my given sample to what you want

Now check the PROPERTIES of your “My Computer”

Remove Orkut Banned,FireFox,YouTube Banned Virus

How to Remove it:

1. Open Taskmanager -> Processes tab

Find svchost.exe with username(warning not a svchost.exe) end or kill these

processes by pressing endprocess.

2. Open My Computer then type:

“C:\heap41a” in the address bar with quotes.

3. Delete everything in the folder

4. Goto Start -> Regedit -> Edit Tab -> Find -> Search for “heap41a” and delete

that key.



C:\heap(some number)\std.txt

5. Close the Registry Editor

That’s it !

How to lock folders without any software?

Though there are various softwares to lock up folders on your windows, but what if we can just do same thing without help of any software. Today here I am writing how to lock up a folder in windows without help of any software. Hope you all will enjoy this trick.

Just follow some intructions :

Type the following code in a note pad and save the note pad in your pc with the name ‘ NOMANs Lock Up.bat ‘ (that is with the extension of .bat). You can replace the ‘NOMAN’s Lock Up ‘ portion with anything u want to use.
A batch file will be created where you have saved. Now double click on it, it will make a folder with the name ‘ Locker ‘ at the same place where the batch file is save.
Now add the files you want to lock in that folder named “Locker”.
Double click on the batch file. It will ask for locking the folder. Type ‘ Y ‘ OR ‘ y ‘ to lock the items. The folder will be locked and hidden.
[NB: This is a very strong process. Even if you choose Tools – Folder Options… – View – Show hidden files and folders, the ‘ Locker ‘ folder will remain hidden. Only a correct password can unlock it.

To unlock the items, just double click on the batch file again and enter the password unlock in the new opened window. Then hit ‘ Enter ‘ ( iff u wanna create othr passwrd. thn u have to make change in the code….( I mark * there for you)

title Folder Locker
if EXIST “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B303
09D}” goto UNLOCK
echo This is created by SAKET,Hey Dude,Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p “cho=>”
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
attrib +h +s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p “pass=>”
if NOT %pass%==unlock goto FAIL
attrib -h -s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
ren “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo NOMAN created successfully
goto End

Hack or trick to use free airtel gprs from your mobile or pc for free.


You require a PC or a Laptop and Serial/USB cable OR Infrared Device OR Bluetooth dongle in order to first connect your phone with your computer.

Step By Step Procedure:

1)First Activate Airtel Live!( It is FREE).

2) Create TWO Airtel gprs data accounts in your mobile and set the
FIRST one as the active profile.

3)Connect your phone with your connectivity cable using blutooth dongle or usb/serial cable.

4) Go to control panel and create a new dial up connection.

Connection Device : Your mobile’s modem
ISP Name : Anything you want to enter.

Phone Number : Your mobile number.

Username: blank

Password: blank

5) Now setup your browser at your pc to use the proxy and port 8080.

6) Connect to the dial-up account.

7) Try on your mobile and access any site. You will get “Access
Denied…”. Keep the mobile down.

8 ) On the PC ( or Laptop) open your browser, enter any address ,
press ENTER and WAIT for some minutes.

9) That’s it done ! now you can open any page on your pc for free.

I hope these settings may work please let me know if you have any problem by leaving a comment here, still if you are not able to use free airtel gprs with this gprs tricks, check the latest trick to use free airtel gprs.

You can also use the search box provided in the top header of this site to search more gprs hacks and tricks of airtel and other network.

Free gprs settings for idea, hutch, airtel, bsnl, airtel live, airtel mobile configure manually.

Manual Hutch Gprs Settings
1. Account Name – Hutch_GPRS
2. User Name – Blank
3. Password – Blank
4. Proxy – Enabled/yes
5. Access Point Name – portalnmms
6. Full Internet Access Point Name – www
7. Proxy and Server address –
8. Proxy and Server Port – 8080
9. Homepage –
10. Authentication Type – Normal

Manual Airtel Gprs Settings

1. Homepage – any page you want to set.
2. User Name – Blank
3. Password – Blank
4. Proxy – Enabled/yes.
5. Proxy and Server Adress –
6. Proxy and Server Port – 8080
7. Data bearer – GPRS or Packet Data.
8. Access Point Name –
9. Authentication Type – Normal
10. Use preferred access point – No

Manual Airtel live settings

1. Account Name – Airtel_live
2. Homepage –
3. Username – Blank
4. Password – Blank
5. Proxy – Enabled/yes
6. Proxy and Server Adress –
7. Accespoint Name –
8. Proxy and Server Port – 8080
9. Data bearer – GPRS/ Packet Data
10. Authentication Type – Normal

Manual Idea Gprs Settings

1. Account Name – idea_GPRS
2. Username – Blank
3. Password – Blank
4. Homepage –
5. Proxy and Server Port – 8080
6. Proxy and Server adress –
7. Databearer – GPRS / Packetdata
8. Acces Point Name – imis
9. Proxy – Enabled/yes
10. Authentication Type – Normal

Manual Bsnl Gprs Settings

1. Account Name – BPL WAP
2. Username –
3. Password –
4. Proxy – Enabled/yes
5. Homepage –
6. Proxy and Server address –
7. Proxy and Server Port – 8080
8. Acces Point Name – mizone
9. Data bearer – GPRS/ Packetdata
10. Authentication Type – Normal

Schedule switch off on your symbian phone with switch off

Switch off is an application which will prove quite useful for people having fixed schedules specially the students and working class of people. It happens on regular basis that you switch off your phone daily at the same time of even at fixed times in a day. But if you have switch off installed on your phone you don’t have to worry about switching it off, it will automatically get switched off at the preset time determined by you.

The basic functionality of switch off:

1. The time at which you want to switch off your cell phone just enter the time and enable the auto shut down option.

2. After you have enabled the option, just let the application work in the background and as soon as the preset time is reached the phone gets auto shutdown.

3. Switch off as the name indicates only has the feature to switch off the mobile phone but there is no way you can switch on your phone at pre determined time. This particular thing makes switch off just another ordinaryapplication.

4. With no support for auto switch on of your phone, there is every possibility of you forgetting to switch on your phone after it has switched off automatically. And that is a situation which no one would like ever. There is nothing worse than missing your important calls may it be personal or business calls.

Send sms to any number via your pc with nokia pc suite

Follow the steps to send the sms via your phone with the help of nokia pc suite

1. Install the Nokia PC suite from the cd which you got with your nokia phone at the time of purchase.

2. After getting connected with nokia pc suite via Bluetooth or through usb cable.

3. Open Nokia phone browser in My Computer.

4. Click on the which has a tooltip as create a new text message in the

vertical sidebar

5. Nokia Text Message Editor will open up in which you can enter the number and type your message

6. After typing click on File>>Send to send the message.

How to Get Your Twitter Account Verified

Twitter started verifying user accounts back in June to reduce cases of celebrity impersonation and mistaken identities . If you are a Twitter user and want to get your account verified, there is this User Verification form you can fill, but the chances that you will get a Verified Account badge are very low unless you are a famous personality or work at Twitter.

Anyways, it is worth a try, you might just get lucky. To improve your chances, you can add a Twitter badge linking to your Twitter profile on your website.

How to Verify your Twitter Account

To get your Twitter account Verified, just log in to your Twitter account, fill the Account Verification Request form and submit it.

While you are at it, also follow me on Twitter. :D

Private Torrent Trackers:

A private tracker is a tracker which allows only registered users to download torrents. The registered users are required to maintain a certain upload-to-download ratio and are banned if the ratio is too low. This ensures that the users don’t just leech the files but also seed them after downloading it completely, which in turn ensures that you get very fast download speeds.














If you need an invite to any of these private trackers, just leave a comment below with a valid email address. If I have any spare invites, I will forward them to you. :)

You can also try to monitor when these trackers open up for new registrations.

Free Airtel Live – ALIVE

To use Airtel Live for free and access all sites and download stuff using it, you just need to use the TeaShark browser. Download TeaShark here – . Just install it, and surf using it, you will be able to surf all sites and download files with no restrictions.

Free Net on Phone – NOP

Most of the Free Tricks for Airtel GPRS have been blocked by Airtel, with the very popular Free Mobile Office low balance trick being blocked just yesterday. There are only a few working tricks now to bypass Airtel’s restrictions and use GPRS – MO / NOP / Airtel Live for free.

While Airtel has closed new registrations for NOP, the old users can still use it at the earlier rates – Rs. 2/day. It does have a download limit of 3 MB per file though, but you can bypass it easily using this method.

Download more than 3 MB using NOP:

You just need to use the Java version of UCWEB browser in your mobile to be able to download more than 3 MB. You can Download UCWEB here – or go to and select the Generic Version.