WhatsApp trick to share a file More than 16MB size:

By default WhatsApp doesn't allow to share a file of size more than 16MB, Although images and audio messages doesn't occupy more than 16MB but when it comes to Videos, they may occupy more than 16MB size. To send video's of size more than 16MB you have to compress the size of video. By using Video Converter Android, you can compress the actual size of videos without losing much quality and later you can send video on WhatsApp.

. Hide your WhatsApp profile picture:

Hiding Profile Photo option is only available for the latest version of WhatsApp. If you are not using the latest version of WhatsApp then download it from here. After installing just go to Settings > Account privacy.Then click on Profile Photo, select any of the three options according to your needs - Everyone, My contacts, Nobody.

Cool WhatsApp trick to Hide the sent image with other Image

Sounds cool right? yes you can hide the images that you have sent to your friends inside any other wierd images. Magiapp tricks App for Android and Fhumb App for iPhone allows you to hide the sent image inside other images.
This is how the app works, the image that you have sent is replaced with the other image, when they click on the image they will be seeing the orginal image. Unfortunately this trick won't work for Blackberry and Windows phones.

Trick to Stop Auto downloading images and videos:

WhatsApp has a default feature of automatically downloading all the media files such as images and videos. Sometimes this may kill your mobile data and battery life when you have a very low data balance on your mobile. So this trick will be helpful to stop auto download of images or video.
To disable auto download feature, open WhatsApp go to Settings > Chat settings > Media auto-download. There you will find the option as shown in above screen shot, change the settings as per your need. Here I stopped to download only video files on mobile data.

Download WhatsApp for PC / Laptop:

Yes!!! Now you can even install WhatsApp Messenger on your PC or Laptop and start 

chatting with your Friends on WhatsApp. To install WhatsApp on your Computer or Laptop 

you need to download an Emulator software. The best Emulator software we found is 

Bluestacks. Download the Bluestacks for official website. Then after run it on your PC or 

Laptop. After installing Bluestacks, open it and search for WhatsApp, install it and start using 
WhatsApp on PC.

Recover deleted Conversions IN Whatsapp

Sometime you may accidentally delete your WhatsApp conversations, and if you want to get 

it back. Then this trick is especially for you. Generally WhatsApp backups all the 

conversations and it will be stored in phone’s memory.

If you want to restore conversations, just uninstall the WhatsApp and re-install again. While 

re-installing WhatsApp, it will ask you whether to restore messages history or to continue 

without restoring. Now, click on Restore to get back your deleted conversations.

Extend WhatsApp Free Trial Period:

As we all know that WhapsApp is not available for free, we only get a free trial period for 1 

year to use it. After one year we have to pay approximately 1$ to use it. By using this cool 

WhatsApp trick you can extend your Whatsapp for one more year, truly speaking this is a 

very simple trick that works fine for now.

Just before completing your free trial period, delete your WhatsApp account permanently, 

and then create a new account. This requires less than 5 minutes, but you can extend your 

WhatsApp account for one more year. To delete your account, go to Settings > Account > 

Delete My Account. Enter your mobile number in the text field and delete your account. 

Now create another new account same as you created for the first time.

Now go to account and check your status, you will be increasing your free trial period for one 


Send PDF, ZIP, APK files via WhatsApp:

As we all know that WhatsApp doesn’t support to send other files than audio and video 

formats. Sometimes you may have to send some Apk files, ZIP, PDF or files of any other 

format. By using this cool trick you can send files of any type. Download Whats Packed 2 ads, 

from this App you can send a PDF, ZIP or any other files to your whatsApp contacts. The 

person who is receiving the file also have to install this App.

Download: Whats Packed 2 Ads

Hide Last seen feature in WhatsApp:

WhatsApp shows ‘last seen’ time at the bottom of the conversation telling your friends about 

the last time you were on WhatsApp. This will be helpful sometimes, but most of the time 

this feature troubles you when you want to stop the conversation or want to hide yourself 

from others. Earlier there are many third party Applications available in Google Playstore to 

hide ‘last seen’ feature. By the recent update, you can use this feature without installing any 

other apps. Download the latest version of WhatsApp from the official website to enjoy this 


Hide Last Seen time on Whatsapp

If you dont want your contacts to see when last you came online, simply go to 
Settings> Privacy Settings> Visibility. Change last seen from everybody either 'my contacts' or  to 'nobody". Now your whatsapp contacts cant see the last time 
you were online. 
For Android Users: Go to Menu Button> Settings> Account> Privacy. Then change last seen from everyone to :my contacts' or 'nobody'

Block a contact on Whatsapp

If you longer want a person to be able to message you on whatsapp the only way 
is to block the contact. To block a contact on whatsapp simply go to Settings> 
Privacy settings> Blocked contact. If you have no blocked contact your block 
contact list will show zero. Click on block contact to add new contact to be 
blocked. You can also unblock contacts by clicking menu on a blocked contact, 
then press unblock.
For Android Users: Go to chat screen, tap menu button> Settings> Account> 
Privacy> Blocked contacts. Tap the add blocked contacts icon in the top right to 
add contact to block.

See sent and Received Message Counter

To know the amount of messages you've sent and received on whatsapp, simply

follow similar procedure for #tip 3.