Download any song from online

You can download any song from online.

However the format will be .rm and you need to use the audio converter like super or

any other audio converter to convert.

Want to dowload song from Raaga,smashits.

1.Open the link below and download the software.


It is freeware.

2. Once you download. Please install and configure for the network card of yours

where the internet connected.

3.Open the raaga or any smashits website. Open the song and play it. When it start

playing. You need to sniff the network and it will show the actual path.

4.Please copy and paste it in the address bar to download the .rm song.

It is easy and you can play the song with same quality for life long without

connecting to the internet. However you require the Real player or any other .rm

player to play this.

You can also encode to a different formats..

Using the Super named software.