Unblock or Turn On Facebook Notifications

Sometimes you find lot of notifications of social games like Farmville, Mafiawars, fishville and other on your wall and you disable them.

But what if you want to Unblock or Turn ON some notification on your wall after blocking them.

I have checked about this and found that there is some problem in facebook regarding turning ON the notification settings once they are blocked and found the way to turn ON the blocked notifications.

Go to your Home by logging in to the facebook.
Click “Top News”.
Scroll down the page. At the end of the page you will find “Edit Options”. Click that.
Here you will find all the blocked applications.
Turn ON them and now they will come again on your facebook wall.
Note: If you do this while “Most Recent” News is selected at step 2. Then you will not see the step 4 details. Make sure you have selected “Top News”.

That was all about Unblock or Turn On Facebook Notifications